TORTOUR - 1000 km - non-stop - team of 4
TORTOUR is the biggest multiday nonstop ultra cycling event in the world. The race which started and finished in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, was demanding a great deal of us cyclists and our crew.
From 16th-19th of August 2018 me and my 3 bike bodies from work at andrion raced the TORTOUR as a team of 4.
TORTOUR is the biggest multiday nonstop ultra cycling event in the world. The race which started and finished in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, was demanding a great deal of us cyclists and our crew. Riding non-stop, day and night. The event kicked off with the prologue at the Rhine Falls, the largest waterfalls of Europe.
We cycled the 1,000 kilometres route over several Alpine passes in 37 hours.
Mastering this challenging adventure took blood, sweat and tears – but the unique cycling experience and feeling of achievement were worth it.